Killer Queen

  • Queen

She keeps her Moët et ChandonIn her pretty cabinet"Let them eat cake, " she saysJust like Marie AntoinetteA built-in remedyFor Khrushchev and KennedyAt anytime an invitationYou can't decline

Caviar and cigarettesWell versed in etiquetteExtraordinarily nice

She's a Killer QueenGunpowder, gelatineDynamite with a laser beamGuaranteed to blow your mindAnytime

Recommended at the priceInsatiable an appetiteWanna try?

To avoid complicationsShe never kept the same addressIn conversationShe spoke just like a baronessMet a man from ChinaWent down to Geisha MinorThen again incidentallyIf you're that way inclined

Perfume came naturally from Paris (naturally)For cars she couldn't care lessFastidious and precise

She's a Killer QueenGunpowder, gelatineDynamite with a laser beamGuaranteed to blow your mindAnytime

Drop of a hat she's as willing asPlayful as a pussy catThen momentarily out of actionTemporarily out of gasTo absolutely drive you wild, wildShe's out to get you

She's a Killer QueenGunpowder, gelatineDynamite with a laser beamGuaranteed to blow your mindAnytime

Recommended at the priceInsatiable an appetiteWanna try?You wanna try

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